Kamnoseštvo Nemec E & V Marmor – granit d.o.o. je izkušeno kamnoseško podjetje iz Ljutomera, ki je na tržišču prisotno že več kot 20 let. Naša osnovna dejavnost je obdelava in montaža naravnega kamna, granita, marmorja in drugih materialov.
Industrijska proizvodnja se izvaja s tehnično najsodobnejšo računalniško vodeno opremo, zaposleni pa obvladajo tudi vsa ostala opravila v kamnoseštvu - restavriranje, razne obdelave naravnih kamnov…
S sodobnimi tehnološkimi postopki, znanjem in bogatimi izkušnjami pri obdelavi in vgradnji naravnih materialov dosegamo odlične uspehe v Sloveniji kot tudi v sosednjih državah.
Stonecutting in German E & Marble – Granite Ltd. is experienced because of its company from Ljutomer, which is present on the market for more than 20 years. Our basic activity is the processing and installation of natural stone, granite, marble and other materials.Industrial production is carried out with the technical state of the art computerized equipment, employees and handle all the other tasks in the quarry industry-restoration, various treatment of natural stones.With modern technological procedures, knowledge and rich experience in the processing and installation of natural materials is achieved great successes in Slovenia as well as in neighbouring countries.