Naše delo obsega obdelavo in montažo naravnega kamna za potrebe gradbeništva, obloge tal, sten, stopnic, polic, miz, raznih pultov, fasad, kaminov in ostale opreme.
Izdelujemo tudi unikatne nagrobnike po željah in zamislih strank, ali pa po naših predlogih, za katere je plačilo možno na obroke po dogovoru z naročnikom.
S CNC gravirnim strojem izdelujemo unikatne napise v delavnici, kakor tudi na terenu, izdelujemo pa tudi portrete in razne druge slike na kamen po želji strank.
Our work involves processing and installation of natural stone for use in construction, coverings of floors, walls, stairs, shelves, desks, various worktops facades, fireplaces, and other equipment.We also produce unique gravestone after the wishes and ideas of the parties, or according to our proposals, for which it is possible to pay in installments following an agreement with the client.With a CNC machine gravirnim we produce unique captions in the workshop, as well as on the field, we produce as well as portraits and various other images on the stone of the desired clients.